Town of Groton
Meeting Notice
Town Clerk
173 Main Street
Groton, MA 01450
(978) 448-1100
Conservation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, May 28 2019 at 6:30 PM
Town Hall: Second Floor Meeting Room, 173 Main Street Groton, MA
This meeting was posted Tuesday, May 21 2019 at 2:47 PM
- 6:30 p.m. – ANRAD, 227 Boston Road, MassDEP# not yet assigned).
- 6:50 PM – RDA, 400 Chicopee Row, for the installation of a lawn (A. Smith).
- 7:05 PM – Discussion, 419 Old Ayer Road, review as-built and wetland replication plan.
- 7:20 PM – Discussion, 433 Old Ayer Road, review wetland replication/stormwater plan.
- 7:30 PM – NOI (cont.), 100 Boathouse Road, for renovation work on an existing single-family home, including water service, driveway, and septic system (MassDEP # 169-1185).
- 7:45 PM – NOI (cont.), 716 Lowell Road, for the repair of an existing concrete patio, (MassDEP # not yet assigned).
- 7:50 PM – NOI cont. 253 & 271 Hill Road, for the removal of two beaver dams, MassDEP#169-1186.
- 7:55 PM – RDA (cont.), 19 Baby Beach Road, for the removal and replacement of two existing retaining walls and installation of a privacy fence (S. Dean).
- 8:05 PM – Discussion, presentation of 2019 plans for treating Lost Lake/Knops Pond in 2019, MassDEP#169-1086 (B. Harper).
- Land Management
- Gibbet Hill and Scarlet Hill – CR Baseline Reports
- Invasives Species Management (from Shattuck Homestead to Eliades and beyond)
- Certificate of Compliance
- 10 Rustic Trail, MassDEP#169-977 – discussion with applicant
- 993 Boston Road, MassDEP#169-1020 – issue duplicate COC
- Other Discussions
- Discuss minor change to plan, 102 Weymisset, MassDEP#169-1181.
- LAND Grant Application, Trimper Property
- Violations & Enforcement
- Committee Updates/Announcements
- Approve Meeting Minutes
- Invoices
- Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of meeting*
- IF REQUIRED: Executive Session pursuant to MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21(6): * “To consider the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate, if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.”
- Adjournment
o 6:30 p.m. – ANRAD, 227 Boston Road, MassDEP# not yet assigned).
o 6:50 PM – RDA, 400 Chicopee Row, for the installation of a lawn (A. Smith).
o 7:05 PM – Discussion, 419 Old Ayer Road, review as-built and wetland replication plan.
o 7:20 PM – Discussion, 433 Old Ayer Road, review wetland replication/stormwater plan.
o 7:30 PM – NOI (cont.), 100 Boathouse Road, for renovation work on an existing single-family home, including water service, driveway, and septic system (MassDEP # 169-1185).
o 7:45 PM – NOI (cont.), 716 Lowell Road, for the repair of an existing concrete patio, (MassDEP # not yet assigned).
o 7:50 PM – NOI cont. 253 & 271 Hill Road, for the removal of two beaver dams, MassDEP#169-1186.
o 7:55 PM – RDA (cont.), 19 Baby Beach Road, for the removal and replacement of two existing retaining walls and installation of a privacy fence (S. Dean).
o 8:05 PM – Discussion, presentation of 2019 plans for treating Lost Lake/Knops Pond in 2019, MassDEP#169-1086 (B. Harper).
o Land Management
Gibbet Hill and Scarlet Hill – CR Baseline Reports
Invasives Species Management (from Shattuck Homestead to Eliades and beyond)
o Certificate of Compliance
10 Rustic Trail, MassDEP#169-977 – discussion with applicant
993 Boston Road, MassDEP#169-1020 – issue duplicate COC
o Other Discussions
LAND Grant Application, Trimper Property
o Violations & Enforcement
o Committee Updates/Announcements
o Approve Meeting Minutes
o Invoices
• Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of meeting*
• IF REQUIRED: Executive Session pursuant to MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21(6): * “To consider the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate, if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.”
• Adjournment
• *Votes may be taken
- 6:30 p.m. – ANRAD, 227 Boston Road, MassDEP# not yet assigned).
- 6:50 PM – RDA, 400 Chicopee Row, for the installation of a lawn (A. Smith).
- 7:05 PM – Discussion, 419 Old Ayer Road, review as-built and wetland replication plan.
- 7:20 PM – Discussion, 433 Old Ayer Road, review wetland replication/stormwater plan.
- 7:30 PM – NOI (cont.), 100 Boathouse Road, for renovation work on an existing single-family home, including water service, driveway, and septic system (MassDEP # 169-1185).
- 7:45 PM – NOI (cont.), 716 Lowell Road, for the repair of an existing concrete patio, (MassDEP # not yet assigned).
- 7:50 PM – NOI cont. 253 & 271 Hill Road, for the removal of two beaver dams, MassDEP#169-1186.
- 7:55 PM – RDA (cont.), 19 Baby Beach Road, for the removal and replacement of two existing retaining walls and installation of a privacy fence (S. Dean).
- 8:05 PM – Discussion, presentation of 2019 plans for treating Lost Lake/Knops Pond in 2019, MassDEP#169-1086 (B. Harper).
- Gibbet Hill and Scarlet Hill – CR Baseline Reports
- Invasives Species Management (from Shattuck Homestead to Eliades and beyond)
- 10 Rustic Trail, MassDEP#169-977 – discussion with applicant
- 993 Boston Road, MassDEP#169-1020 – issue duplicate COC
- LAND Grant Application, Trimper Property
- Land Management
- Certificate of Compliance
- Other Discussions
- Violations & Enforcement
- Committee Updates/Announcements
- Approve Meeting Minutes
- Invoices
- Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of meeting*
- IF REQUIRED: Executive Session pursuant to MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21(6): * “To consider the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate, if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.”
- Adjournment
- *Votes may be taken
- 6:30 p.m. – ANRAD, 227 Boston Road, MassDEP# not yet assigned).
- 6:50 PM – RDA, 400 Chicopee Row, for the installation of a lawn (A. Smith).
- 7:05 PM – Discussion, 419 Old Ayer Road, review as-built and wetland replication plan.
- 7:20 PM – Discussion, 433 Old Ayer Road, review wetland replication/stormwater plan.
- 7:30 PM – NOI (cont.), 100 Boathouse Road, for renovation work on an existing single-family home, including water service, driveway, and septic system (MassDEP # 169-1185).
- 7:45 PM – NOI (cont.), 716 Lowell Road, for the repair of an existing concrete patio, (MassDEP # not yet assigned).
- 7:50 PM – NOI cont. 253 & 271 Hill Road, for the removal of two beaver dams, MassDEP#169-1186.
- 7:55 PM – RDA (cont.), 19 Baby Beach Road, for the removal and replacement of two existing retaining walls and installation of a privacy fence (S. Dean).
- 8:05 PM – Discussion, presentation of 2019 plans for treating Lost Lake/Knops Pond in 2019, MassDEP#169-1086 (B. Harper).
- Land Management
- Gibbet Hill and Scarlet Hill – CR Baseline Reports
- Certificate of Compliance
- 10 Rustic Trail, MassDEP#169-977 – discussion with applicant
- 993 Boston Road, MassDEP#169-1020 – issue duplicate COC
- Other Discussions
- LAND Grant Application, Trimper Property
- Violations & Enforcement
- Committee Updates/Announcements
- Approve Meeting Minutes
- Invoices
- Land Management
- Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of meeting*
- IF REQUIRED: Executive Session pursuant to MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21(6): * “To consider the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate, if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.”
- Adjournment
*Votes may be taken
The listing of topics that the Chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting is not intended as a guarantee of the topics that will have been discussed. Not all topics listed may in fact be discussed, and other topics not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.