Town of Groton
Meeting Notice
Town Clerk
173 Main Street
Groton, MA 01450
(978) 448-1100
Park Commission Meeting
Monday, May 18 2015 at 7:00 PM
Legion Hall, 75 Hollis Street Groton, MA
This meeting was posted Thursday, April 12 2018 at 4:00 PM
Groton Park Commission
Monday, May 18, 2015
7 pm to 9 pm
1. Discuss procedures for cancelling a Park Commission meeting. Votes may be taken.
2. Review pending field use permits. Votes may be taken.
3. Discuss list of proposed Cow Pond maintenance projects and any other field opening charges. Votes may be taken.
4. Update on Cutler Field playground improvements. Votes may be taken.
5. Review draft minutes from April 6, 2015 meeting. Votes may be taken.
6. Review pending invoices. Votes may be taken.
7. Consider improvements to Cow Pond ball fields in areas of lighting, irrigation, fencing, parking areas, etc. in view of capital improvement funds voted by Spring Town Meeting. Votes may be taken.
AGENDA AMENDED 4/29/15 10:10 AM - MK
1. Discuss procedures for cancelling a Park Commission meeting. Votes may be taken.
2. Review pending field use permits. Votes may be taken.
3. Discuss list of proposed Cow Pond maintenance projects and any other field opening charges. Votes may be taken.
4. Update on Cutler Field playground improvements. Votes may be taken.
5. Review draft minutes from April 6, 2015 meeting. Votes may be taken.
6. Review pending invoices. Votes may be taken.
Meeting posted 04-23-2015 3:25pm npierce