Town of Groton
Meeting Notice

Town Clerk
173 Main Street
Groton, MA 01450
(978) 448-1100

Trails Committee Meeting

Tuesday, February 18 2014 at 7:30 PM
Legion Hall, 75 Hollis Street Groton, MA

This meeting was posted Thursday, February 13 2014 at 10:45 AM


Groton Trails Committee
Meeting Agenda

18 February 2014
Legion Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Chair: Paul Funch
Recorder: Steve Legge

7:30 Call to Order
a) (7:31) Approval of 21 January 2014 minutes
7:35 Reports/Old Business
a) (7:35) Guided hikes report
1) Groton Place to Surrenden Farm - Sunday, Feb. 9th, 1PM – 13 hikers (Olin)
b) Upcoming GTC/AMC joint sponsored hikes
i) Williams Barn / Sorhaug Woods – Sunday, Mar. 16th, 1PM (Olin)
ii) The Throne – Sunday, Apr. 13th, 1PM (Olin)
iii) Gamlin Indian Rock/Boulders Trails – Sunday, May 4th, 1PM (Dave M.)
c) (7:45) Will Premru’s Eagle Scout Project
d) (8:00) NEFF’s Wharton Plantation bridge project (Olin)
e) (8:10) Nashua River Accessible Trail Grant (Paul)
f) (8:20) Brown Ln. (Watson Way CA) to Corwin easement (to Cox-Walker) trail (Wendy, Steve, Paul)
g) (8:30) 2013 Annual Report (Steve Legge)
h) (8:35) Freedom’s Way “Trails Day” – Groton’s planned day: May 2015 (all)

8:45 Discussions
a) (8:45) Letter of Support for Conservation Commission’s CPA application
b) (8:55) Discussion with GCT Stewardship Committee representatives
c) (9:10) Build out trail points of interest (Scott, Dave B.) – Surrenden Farm viewshed development
9:30 – Adjournment

Meeting posted: 02-13-2014 10;45AM NPIERCE

The listing of topics that the Chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting is not intended as a guarantee of the topics that will have been discussed. Not all topics listed may in fact be discussed, and other topics not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.