Town of Groton
Meeting Notice
Town Clerk
173 Main Street
Groton, MA 01450
(978) 448-1100
North Central Climate Change Coalition Meeting
Wednesday, August 16 2023 at 7:00 PM
Other: See Agenda, Specified in Agenda ,
This meeting was posted Thursday, August 10 2023 at 1:46 PM
North Central Climate Change Coalition (NC4)
Meeting Agenda
Date: August 16, 2023
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Location: Remote Only
Instructions for residents to participate remotely can be found on the home page of the Town website.
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Minutes (April 2023 and June 2023)
3. NC4 Community Updates
4. Possible follow-up with Climate Chief Hoffer, review of her 6 month report if available
5. NC4 Organizational Development. Revisit practices, policies, terms of reference, etc.
6. Collecting data on town climate staffing
7. Discuss yard sign campaign.
8. Adjournment
NC4 is composed of municipal and civic leaders across Massachusetts Congressional District 3 working on the
frontlines of climate change resistance, resilience, and adaptation. We see first-hand climate change’s impacts to the
health and well-being of our communities and to our natural and built environment. Our hopes are to harness the
power of people and communities working together to build awareness and attract funding for regional efforts to
address already baked in climate impacts and opportunities to create a healthier and safer future. The mission of
The North Central Climate Change Collaborative (NC4) is to foster and strengthen regional municipal collaborative
efforts to combat climate change through:
shared projects, educational efforts, and best practices, and
informing state and federal legislative actions.
Since convening on an informal basis in the Summer of 2021, people from communities in the 3rd Congressional
District have met regularly to share knowledge on climate initiatives in their communities and ideas for how a regional
group of communities could more effectively work together.
The Town of Pepperell strives to assure that no individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be
excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs or activities of the Town of
Pepperell. Towards that end, persons with special needs are asked to contact the Selectmen's Office in advance of
any meeting to assure that prior arrangements are made to assure full participation in the meeting