Town of Groton
Meeting Notice
Town Clerk
173 Main Street
Groton, MA 01450
(978) 448-1100
Trails Committee Meeting
Tuesday, June 21 2022 at 7:00 PM
Other: See Agenda, Specified in Agenda ,
This meeting was posted Thursday, June 16 2022 at 4:13 PM
Groton Trails Committee
Meeting Agenda
21 June 2022
7:00 p.m.
Via Zoom
Topic: Trails Committee
Time: Jun 21, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 852 2201 5923
Passcode: 194553
Chair: Paul Funch
Vice Chair: Wanfang Murray
Clerk: Laura DeGroot
7:00 Call to Order
7:05 Approval of 17 May 2022 Minutes
7:10 Reports
- (7:10) Website and Interactive Map
- (7:15) Freedom’s Way’s “Hidden Treasures” hikes and walks – Devereaux, McWade, Murrays, Funch
- (7:20) Groton Greenway River Festival booth – McWade, Cianci, Deschambeault, Peregoy, Good, Funch
- (7:25) 2023 Groton Conservation Forum (Feb 2023) – Grant approved for keynote speaker Dr. Scott Jackson, UMass-Amherst
- (7:30) Trail Projects
- Town Forest - Trail re-route from Parking Area to Nashua River; survey and coordination with TF Committee
- Gamlin Crystal Spring – Assisted GCT with RDA for bog bridges
- NOI for Nashua Riverwalk; RDAs for Keyes Woods, Gamlin Crystal Springs, and Groton Hills – all in progress
- (7:35) Subcommittee Reports
- Town Forest’s 100th Anniversary in 2022 – Devereaux, Murray
- Destination Groton – Legge, Murray, Funch, Harris
- Groton Conservation Forum – Murray, Charlebois, Funch
- Social Media Management – Cianci, Murray
- Mapping/Website Management - McWade
7:45 Discussions
- (7:45) Review and Ranking of Potential 2022 Projects
- Individual Projects
- Stewardship assessments
- Verification of, and additions to, map information
- Add/replace trail markers
- Mow grass/brush on trails
- Trim trails
- Others?
- Small Projects
- Replace rotten trailhead posts and add new ones
- Install Groton Hills distance signs
- Measure distances, create additional signs, install
- Others?
- Large Projects
- Bog bridges at Gamlin Crystal Spring
- Bog bridges at Keyes Woods and dump clean-up
- Bog bridges at Groton Hills
- Accessible connection to NRRT at Rte. 119
- Wharton Plantation bridge upgrade
- Site preparation for Nashua Riverwalk in October/November
- Clear trails and create directional signs & install at General Field
- Bog bridges on Corwin easement (connects Walker and Watson Way parcels)
- Walker parcel – bridge over stream from beaver pond (Easom)
- General maintenance of parcels (multiple parcels) – which ones?
- Create loop trail around Whispering Brook, including bog bridges
- Bog bridge on Baddacook CA adjacent to Wharton Plantation
- Write grants for Marion Stoddart Riverwalk signs
- Patricia Hallett CA - loop trail
- Harrison Ripley CA – re-route tail away from Black parcel
- Robison Conservation Area off Flavell Crossing – spur trail and marsh overlook
- Others?
- Other Potential (planning stage) Projects
- Behind Chamberlain’s Mill on Schoolhouse Rd. (Groton Water Dept.) - trail development
- Groton School trails around pond, including re-route around beaver dam
- Trail on Conservation Commission’s Priest Family parcels along Martins Pond Rd.
- Rich State Forest (DCR) – bridges and bog bridges
- Shattuck Easement – bridge over drainage ditch near Fitch’s Bridge
- Lyman parcel trail connection to the Throne
- Others?
- Individual Projects
9:00 Adjournment
If there was previous agenda for this meeting it is belowGroton Trails Committee
Meeting Agenda
21 June 2022
7:00 p.m.
Via Zoom
Chair: Paul Funch
Vice Chair: Wanfang Murray
Clerk: Laura DeGroot
7:00 Call to Order
7:05 Approval of 17 May 2022 Minutes
7:10 Reports
- (7:10) Website and Interactive Map
- (7:15) Freedom’s Way’s “Hidden Treasures” hikes and walks – Devereaux, McWade, Murrays, Funch
- (7:20) Groton Greenway River Festival booth – McWade, Cianci, Deschambeault, Peregoy, Good, Funch
- (7:25) 2023 Groton Conservation Forum (Feb 2023) – Grant approved for keynote speaker Dr. Scott Jackson, UMass-Amherst
- (7:30) Trail Projects
- Town Forest - Trail re-route from Parking Area to Nashua River; survey and coordination with TF Committee
- Gamlin Crystal Spring – Assisted GCT with RDA for bog bridges
- NOI for Nashua Riverwalk; RDAs for Keyes Woods, Gamlin Crystal Springs, and Groton Hills – all in progress
- (7:35) Subcommittee Reports
- Town Forest’s 100th Anniversary in 2022 – Devereaux, Murray
- Destination Groton – Legge, Murray, Funch, Harris
- Groton Conservation Forum – Murray, Charlebois, Funch
- Social Media Management – Cianci, Murray
- Mapping/Website Management - McWade
7:45 Discussions
- (7:45) Review and Ranking of Potential 2022 Projects
- Individual Projects
- Stewardship assessments
- Verification of, and additions to, map information
- Add/replace trail markers
- Mow grass/brush on trails
- Trim trails
- Others?
- Small Projects
- Replace rotten trailhead posts and add new ones
- Install Groton Hills distance signs
- Measure distances, create additional signs, install
- Others?
- Large Projects
- Bog bridges at Gamlin Crystal Spring
- Bog bridges at Keyes Woods and dump clean-up
- Bog bridges at Groton Hills
- Accessible connection to NRRT at Rte. 119
- Wharton Plantation bridge upgrade
- Site preparation for Nashua Riverwalk in October/November
- Clear trails and create directional signs & install at General Field
- Bog bridges on Corwin easement (connects Walker and Watson Way parcels)
- Walker parcel – bridge over stream from beaver pond (Easom)
- General maintenance of parcels (multiple parcels) – which ones?
- Create loop trail around Whispering Brook, including bog bridges
- Bog bridge on Baddacook CA adjacent to Wharton Plantation
- Write grants for Marion Stoddart Riverwalk signs
- Patricia Hallett CA - loop trail
- Harrison Ripley CA – re-route tail away from Black parcel
- Robison Conservation Area off Flavell Crossing – spur trail and marsh overlook
- Others?
- Other Potential (planning stage) Projects
- Behind Chamberlain’s Mill on Schoolhouse Rd. (Groton Water Dept.) - trail development
- Groton School trails around pond, including re-route around beaver dam
- Trail on Conservation Commission’s Priest Family parcels along Martins Pond Rd.
- Rich State Forest (DCR) – bridges and bog bridges
- Shattuck Easement – bridge over drainage ditch near Fitch’s Bridge
- Lyman parcel trail connection to the Throne
- Others?
- Individual Projects
9:00 Adjournment
The listing of topics that the Chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting is not intended as a guarantee of the topics that will have been discussed. Not all topics listed may in fact be discussed, and other topics not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.