Town of Groton
Meeting Notice
Town Clerk
173 Main Street
Groton, MA 01450
(978) 448-1100
Trails Committee Meeting
Tuesday, January 19 2021 at 7:00 PM
Other: See Agenda, Specified in Agenda ,
This meeting was posted Thursday, January 14 2021 at 3:19 PM
Groton Trails Committee
Meeting Agenda
19 January 2021
On-line Zoom Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Chair: Paul Funch
Secretary: Jason Remillard
7:00 Call to Order
7:00 Minutes
a) Approval of 15 December 2020 minutes
7:05 Re-organization of Committee
a) Motion to change Secretary
7:10 Reports
a) (7:10) MA RTP grant application for Riverwalk project design
i) Motion to approve grant submission to RTP
ii) Site walks with 2 potential contractors
iii) Status of letters of support requested/received
iv) Land appraisal/purchase timeline
v) NRWA grant application for matching funds
b) (7:20) Brown Trail @Chicopee Row re-routing
i) Scenic roads permit application
c) (7:25) Trail maintenance
i) Gamlin Esker Trail re-routing
ii) Other
d) (7:30) Website and Mapping
7:40 Discussion/Votes
a) (7:40) Whispering Brook project
b) (8:00) Signs
1) Dog rules – List of Con Comm approved locations; NEFF locations
2) Priest Family CA driveway signage
3) Stream signs
c) (8:15) Requests for Letters of Support
i) Squannacook Greenways – Squannacook River Rail Trail CPA funding request
ii) Groton Conservation Commission – Conservation Fund FY22 funding request
d) (8:25) Equipment purchase
i) DR Leaf Blower Model X20 MAXSP (Self-Propelled)
e) (8:35) Trailhead posts purchase
9:00 Adjournment
The following agenda was added or modified on 2021-01-14 15:20:19 by npierce@townofgroton.org.
Groton Trails Committee
Meeting Agenda
19 January 2021
On-line Zoom Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Topic: Trails Committee
Time: Jan 19, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 0206 1955
Passcode: 851220
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+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 870 0206 1955
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdIFczWNbU
Chair: Paul Funch
Secretary: Jason Remillard
7:00 Call to Order
7:00 Minutes
a) Approval of 15 December 2020 minutes
7:05 Reports
a) (7:05) MA RTP grant application for Riverwalk project design
i) Site walks with potential contractors
ii) Letters of support requested/received
iii) Land appraisal
iv) NRWA grant application
b) (7:20) Brown Trail @Chicopee Row re-routing
i) Scenic roads permit application
c) (7:25) Trail maintenance
d) (7:30) Website and Mapping
7:40 Discussion/Votes
a) (7:40) Whispering Brook project
b) (8:00) Signs
1) Dog rules – List of Con Comm approved locations; NEFF locations
2) Priest Family CA driveway signage
3) Stream signs
c) (8:15) Requests for Letters of Support
i) Squannacook Greenways – Squannacook River Rail Trail CPA funding request
ii) Groton Conservation Commission – Conservation Fund FY22 funding request
d) (8:30) Tools purchases
i) DR leaf blower
ii) Stihl battery-powered chainsaw (model 220, 14”)
9:00 Adjournment
If there was previous agenda for this meeting it is below
Groton Trails Committee
Meeting Agenda
19 January 2021
On-line Zoom Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Chair: Paul Funch
Secretary: Jason Remillard
7:00 Call to Order
7:00 Minutes
a) Approval of 15 December 2020 minutes
7:05 Reports
a) (7:05) MA RTP grant application for Riverwalk project design
i) Site walks with potential contractors
ii) Letters of support requested/received
iii) Land appraisal
iv) NRWA grant application
b) (7:20) Brown Trail @Chicopee Row re-routing
i) Scenic roads permit application
c) (7:25) Trail maintenance
d) (7:30) Website and Mapping
7:40 Discussion/Votes
a) (7:40) Whispering Brook project
b) (8:00) Signs
1) Dog rules – List of Con Comm approved locations; NEFF locations
2) Priest Family CA driveway signage
3) Stream signs
c) (8:15) Requests for Letters of Support
i) Squannacook Greenways – Squannacook River Rail Trail CPA funding request
ii) Groton Conservation Commission – Conservation Fund FY22 funding request
d) (8:30) Tools purchases
i) DR leaf blower
ii) Stihl battery-powered chainsaw (model 220, 14”)
9:00 Adjournment
Groton Trails Committee
Meeting Agenda
19 January 2021
On-line Zoom Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Topic: Trails Committee
Time: Jan 19, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 0206 1955
Passcode: 851220
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,87002061955# US (New York)
+13017158592,,87002061955# US (Washington D.C)
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 870 0206 1955
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdIFczWNbU
Chair: Paul Funch
Secretary: Jason Remillard
7:00 Call to Order
7:00 Minutes
a) Approval of 15 December 2020 minutes
7:05 Reports
a) (7:05) MA RTP grant application for Riverwalk project design
i) Site walks with potential contractors
ii) Letters of support requested/received
iii) Land appraisal
iv) NRWA grant application
b) (7:20) Brown Trail @Chicopee Row re-routing
i) Scenic roads permit application
c) (7:25) Trail maintenance
d) (7:30) Website and Mapping
7:40 Discussion/Votes
a) (7:40) Whispering Brook project
b) (8:00) Signs
1) Dog rules – List of Con Comm approved locations; NEFF locations
2) Priest Family CA driveway signage
3) Stream signs
c) (8:15) Requests for Letters of Support
i) Squannacook Greenways – Squannacook River Rail Trail CPA funding request
ii) Groton Conservation Commission – Conservation Fund FY22 funding request
d) (8:30) Tools purchases
i) DR leaf blower
ii) Stihl battery-powered chainsaw (model 220, 14”)
9:00 Adjournment
Groton Trails Committee
Meeting Agenda
19 January 2021
On-line Zoom Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Chair: Paul Funch
Secretary: Jason Remillard
7:00 Call to Order
7:00 Minutes
a) Approval of 15 December 2020 minutes
7:05 Reports
a) (7:05) MA RTP grant application for Riverwalk project design
i) Site walks with potential contractors
ii) Letters of support requested/received
iii) Land appraisal
iv) NRWA grant application
b) (7:20) Brown Trail @Chicopee Row re-routing
i) Scenic roads permit application
c) (7:25) Trail maintenance
d) (7:30) Website and Mapping
7:40 Discussion/Votes
a) (7:40) Whispering Brook project
b) (8:00) Signs
1) Dog rules – List of Con Comm approved locations; NEFF locations
2) Priest Family CA driveway signage
3) Stream signs
c) (8:15) Requests for Letters of Support
i) Squannacook Greenways – Squannacook River Rail Trail CPA funding request
ii) Groton Conservation Commission – Conservation Fund FY22 funding request
d) (8:30) Tools purchases
i) DR leaf blower
ii) Stihl battery-powered chainsaw (model 220, 14”)
9:00 Adjournment